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Home Events - EBCD Online Event: Bringing methane emissions down: New research on effective measures along the gas supply chain

Online Event: Bringing methane emissions down: New research on effective measures along the gas supply chain

Wednesday 15th February 2023 at 16:00 – 17:30 CET




In order to reach the Paris Agreement targets and avoid near-term tipping points, reducing methane emissions is of foremost importance. For this reason, during this event two key reports addressing the necessary efforts to capture methane emissions, analysing the ongoing barriers for methane reduction, and evaluating whether current obligations for EU operators could be extended to operators outside the EU will be presented.

During the first talk, the Environmental Defense Fund will summarize key insight from recent scientific studies and analyses that highlight (i) key mitigation opportunities (ii) scale of potential to capture wasted gas, (iii) existence of robust, reliable monitoring tools to determine magnitude and location of emissions and track progress.

Secondly, the Milieu’s Study commissioned by CAN Europe assisted by a steering committee composed of DUH (Deutsche UmweltHilfe) FWAE (Food and Water Action Europe) and EIA (The Environmental Investigation Agency) will be presented. The report analyzes the legal feasibility of extending the measures proposed by the Commission in the Methane Regulation (MRV, LDAR, BRVF) to operators located outside EU borders, based on the analysis of different existing models: the Official Controls Regulation, Voluntary Partnerships Agreements, Due Diligence mechanism and the Timber Regulation. It concludes that it is legally possible to apply these provisions to non-EU operators without breaching WTO rules and that the enforcement of these measures could be ensured by the Commission playing the role of the Verification body, drawing inspiration from the system developed under the Official Controls Regulation.

Therefore, this event organized under the umbrella of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” in collaboration with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) Europe and CAN Europe, will provide the opportunity to dive into these two reports and understand what are the possible next steps ahead at the EU and International level to keep the methane ambitions high.



Event moderated by Andris Piebalgs, Professor at Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute, and former European Commissioner for Energy (Barroso I) and for Development (Barroso II)

16:00 – 16:10:               Welcome remarks by:

  • Andris Piebalgs, Professor at Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute, and former European Commissioner for Energy (Barroso I) and for Development (Barroso II)
  • MEP Jens Geier

16:10 – 16:35:               Presentation of the study findings by:

  • New research highlighting opportunities to capture wasted gas and significantly cut methane emissions: Daniel Zavala-Araiza, Senior Scientist, EDF Europe
  • Milieu Study: Marta Ballesteros, Associate Senior Manager, Milieu

16:35 – 17:00:                Reactions from speakers (4’ per speaker):

  • Brendan Devlin, Adviser for Strategy and Foresight, Directorate A on “Energy Policy: Strategy and Coordination”, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Kenneth C. Michaels, Legal Advisor, International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Esther Bollendorff, Senior Gas Policy Coordinator, CAN Europe
  • Manfredi Caltagirone, Head, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Methane Emissions Observatory
  • Dr. Thomas Röckmann, Professor on Science, Physics, Marine and Atmospheric Research, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, Utrecht University
  • Flavia Sollazzo, Senior Director for EU Energy Transition, EDF Europe

17:00 – 17:05:               Reaction from MEP Jens Geier

17:05 – 17:25:                Q&A session with the audience

17:25 – 17:30:               Closing remarks by Andris Piebalgs, Professor at Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute, and former European Commissioner for Energy (Barroso I) and for Development (Barroso I|)


15 Feb 2023


4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

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