Who we are
The European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD) focuses a part of its activities on oceans governance, fisheries, aquaculture and maritime affairs. EBCD is active at the European and International levels. EBCD aims at promoting dialogue and building bridges between different stakeholders, academia and policy makers in order to achieve compromise on the way to sustainably manage the oceans and all the activities related to aquatic food.
European level
At the European level, EBCD is member of five Advisory Councils (North Western Waters, North Sea, Pelagic, Outermost Regions and Long-Distance) of the EU Common Fisheries where stakeholders (NGOs and fishing industry) interact and reach compromises in order to provide advice to the European Commission. In the North Western Waters Advisory Council, EBCD holds the Vice-chairship and the chairship of the Focus Groups on Climate and on the Common Fisheries Policy. In the North Sea Advisory Council, EBCD has the chairship of the Ecosystems Working Group and the Focus Group on Climate Change. Finally, in the Long Distance Advisory Council, EBCD holds the chairship of the Focus Group on BBNJ. Additionally, EBCD monitors EU developments and provides advice to policy makers and stakeholders. EBCD works closely with EU institutions such as the European Parliament and Commission.
International level
As an international environmental NGO, EBCD is also very active at the international level, where it promotes dialogue and understanding across the sustainable use and conservation communities and fosters interagency and intersectoral cooperation. EBCD actively participates in global processes related to biodiversity, sustainable development and food security, including the CBD, UNFCCC, FAO, CITES, SDG14 and BBNJ, among others. In all these fora, EBCD fosters science-based solutions and synergies across a wide range of stakeholders, including through the organization of events, workshops or by leading scientific projects, whose outcome aim to inform negotiations.
EBCD is an active member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) since its foundation falling under the international environmental NGO category. As such, EBCD regularly participates in the IUCN World Conservation Congress, where, through its full voting rights, actively participates in the decisions that determine the future of the Union.
Notably, EBCD provides the Secretariat to the Fisheries Expert Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature – Commission on Ecosystem Management (IUCN-CEM-FEG). In this capacity, EBCD mobilizes expert knowledge to strengthen the interface between fisheries management and biodiversity conservation.