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Home Events - EBCD Expert Meeting on the Aichi Biodiversity Target 6: Improving Progress Reporting and Facilitating Implementation

Expert Meeting on the Aichi Biodiversity Target 6: Improving Progress Reporting and Facilitating Implementation


Expert meeting on the Aichi Biodiversity Target 6: Improving Progress Reporting and Facilitating Implementation.


This international expert meeting is convened jointly by FAO, the CBD Secretariat and the IUCN-CEM-FEG in collaboration with EBCD, and will take place at the FAO headquarters in Rome from 9 to 11 February 2015.  The objective of the meeting is to explore further opportunities and feasible pathways for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and their Parties and collaborators to jointly achieve better reporting towards responsible fisheries and specifically on the implementation of Aichi Biodiversity Target 6.


09 - 11 Feb 2016


All Day

