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Home Events - EBCD Hybrid Event: Small particles, big concerns: Marine microplastics revisited

Hybrid Event: Small particles, big concerns: Marine microplastics revisited

Wednesday 6th December 2023, 14:15 – 16:00 CET
Hybrid event held at the European Parliament (Room PHS 5B1) & online

Event Recording


To foster a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by microplastics in our marine ecosystems and to catalyse collective action. The event seeks to facilitate a robust discussion on the latest research findings related to the sources, distribution, and impacts of microplastics. By bringing together policymakers, industry stakeholders, and civil society representatives, the event aims to address and inform current and future policy measures and strategies. Drawing on collective insights, the goal is to refine and enhance the EU’s existing frameworks, such as the Plastics Strategy and the Action Plan for marine ecosystems, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future for our oceans.

Information about co-organizers:

JPI Oceans is a pan-European platform with 19 member countries aiming to increase efficiency and impact of research and innovation for sustainably healthy and productive seas and oceans.

Since its inception in 2014, this initiative has pooled €18.2 million from fifteen European countries and Brazil to fund 10 pan-European research projects. These projects, including the six that commenced in 2020, have delivered innovative insights into the sources, distribution, and impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems. The outcomes of these projects are timely and highly relevant to the ongoing EU policy discussions surrounding plastic pollution and marine litter. They offer insights that can guide and inform key EU policy frameworks, such as the EU Plastics Strategy and the EU Action Plan focusing on the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems for sustainable fisheries.

Image credit: Filipa Bessa – JPI Oceans I-Plastic project


The event is moderated by Regine Roncucci, EU Affairs Officer, Secretariat of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”

14:15 – 14:30:                 Opening remarks by:


  • MEP Maria Spyraki
  • Niall McDonough, Chair JPI Oceans


14:30 – 15:00:                  Presentations by:


  • Aaron Beck, Coordinator JPI Oceans HOTMIC project – Horizontal and vertical oceanic distribution, transport, and impact of microplastics – GEOMAR
  • Georg Hanke, Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and upcoming position paper on microplastics, European Commission Joint Research Center

15:00 – 15:40:                  Panel discussion with the participation of:

  • Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit on ‘Circular Economy, Sustainable Production & Consumption’ (B1), DG ENV, European Commission
  • Camilla Carteny, Microplastics Technical Manager, Plastics Europe
  • Frédérique Mongodin, Senior Marine Litter Policy Officer, Seas At Risk
  • Janyl Moldalieva, Policy Officer, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Stéphane Isoard, Head of Group – Oceans and sustainable blue economy, EEA
  • Aaron Beck, GEOMAR


15:40 – 15:55:                 Q&A session with the audience


15:55 – 16:00:                  Closing remarks by MEP Catherine Chabaud


06 Dec 2023


2:15 pm - 4:00 pm