The race to zero is leading all parts of society towards a sustainable, resilient, and just economy. Within this context, the fisheries sector has a central role to play in advancing progress towards climate-friendly, ocean-based human activities, following the efforts made by the shipping industry. With the aim to produce low-carbon animal proteins, the future uptake of novel technologies for carbon-neutral fishing vessels needs to be further explored. It is therefore crucial to review existing and promising innovations to facilitate the implementation of climate-neutral technologies in the fishing industry and identify possible decarbonization pathways. This event will bring together policymakers, technology developers and representatives from the fisheries sector to identify viable options to mainstream climate change in fisheries, ultimately contributing to the decarbonization of fishing operations. The debate will be followed by Q&A session with the audience.
Draft Agenda:
15:00-15:05 – Opening Remarks: Paula Uría Traba – Director General, Energy Planning and Natural Resources, Regional Government of Galicia, Spain
15:05-15:10 – Opening Remarks: Rosa Quintana Carballo – Regional Minister for Maritime Affairs of the Regional Government of Galicia, Spain
15:10-15:20 – Lessons from the shipping industry: Santiago Suarez de la Fuente – Lecturer in Energy and Transport, University College London (UCL)
15:20-15:30 – The role of public institutions in innovation: Elisabetta Balzi – Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation (DG RTD) – Healthy Oceans and Seas
15:30-15:40 – The sector’s perspective: Jérôme Jourdain – Deputy Secretary General – Union des Armateurs à la Peche de France (UAPF)
15:40-15:50 – Policy developments: Iglika Yakova – Deputy Head of Sea basin strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security Unit – European Commission, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE)
15:50-16:30 – Panel discussion with the audience moderated by Ernesto Peñas Lado – Member of the IUCN Fisheries Expert Group (IUCN-CEM-FEG)
Final Agenda (ES)
Final Agenda (ENG)
Presentation Elisabetta Balzi
Presentation Jérôme Jourdain
Presentation Santiago Suarez de la Fuente
Event Report
ENG Recordings (Download for full video)
ESP Recordings (Download for full video)