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Home Events - EBCD Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Fisheries

Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Fisheries


Organizing this side event at the COP in Caucun, Mexico, FEG contributed to the overall dialogue on “mainstreaming” biodiversity in sectorial management, as the central theme of the entire COP. This issue was brought to EBCD and FEG’s attention by the Executive Secretary of the CBD, who asked specifically for a contribution on the subject regarding fisheries. A collaboration was established between SCBD, FAO and FEG to prepare a side event on the subject. The presentations on current guidance and practices for considering biodiversity impacts of fisheries within conventional fisheries management were well received. As a consequence, it was decided to publish the contributions in a scientific paper, in collaboration between FAO and FEG staff (in advanced state of preparation).  Again, the dialogue following the meeting agreed that fisheries authorities have been proactive in addressing biodiversity in the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and, in fisheries where the Code and its Annexes are effectively implemented, biodiversity has already been mainstreamed into fisheries policies and management measures.


11 Dec 2016


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

