Event on Fisheries-OECMs in Madrid – 7 June 2024
Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework sets the objective to effectively conserve and manage 30% of the land and seas by 2030, through well-connected and equitably governed systems of protected areas and Other Effect aera-based Conservation Measures (OECMs)....
EBCD at CITES – 12-19 July 2024 – Geneva, Switzerland
The 33rd CITES Animals Committee (AC33) meeting, held from 12 to 19 July in Geneva, Switzerland, made significant progress on aquatic species trade, building on the outcomes of the previous AC meeting and the Conference of the Parties (COP) in...
EBCD at COFI – 8-12 July 2024 – Rome, Italy
As the world faces the triple challenge of meeting food security/nutrition needs, combating climate change, and achieving biodiversity goals, the UN Committee on World Food Security emphasizes the importance of including aquatic foods in food security and nutrition policies, as...
EBCD at CBD SBSTTA – 13-17 May 2024 – Nairobi, Kenya
EBCD actively participated in the 26th meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (CBD SBSTTA-26), held from 13-18 May in Nairobi, Kenya. The body, which meets annually, was established to evaluate the...
EBCD side events at Our Ocean (OOC) – 15-17 April 2024 – Athens, Greece
EBCD actively participated in the ‘Our Ocean Conference’ (OOC), which has held on 15-17 April in Athens, Greece. This conference, held on an annual basis, was first launched under the initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the Secretary...
EBCD at North Western Waters and Pelagic Advisory Councils 20 years Anniversary
The North Western Waters and the Pelagic Advisory Councils (ACs) celebrated their 20 years Anniversary this year. On this occasion, the two ACs organised a high level meeting at the Dublin castle (Dublin – Ireland). After a warm welcome by...
Event: Understanding OECMs to achieve the 30 by 30 target
When: 29 September 2023, 10.00-17.15Where: Business Europe – Av. de Cortenbergh 168, Brussels, Belgium REGISTER HERE The EU Biodiversity Strategy sets the target to legally protect a minimum of 30% of the EU’s Sea area of which 10% must be...
UN Fish Stock Agreement (UNFSA): IUCN-CEM-FEG Member Dr. Joji Morishita chairs the UNFSA Review Conference
Dr. Joji Morishita, Advisor of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan, former Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (retired), and member of IUCN-CEM Fisheries Experts Group, chairs the Resumed UN Conference on the UN Fish...