14 January 2021, 15:00 – 17:00 CET
Webex Events
Hosted by MEP Maria Spyraki
Co-chair of the European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’
For the European Union to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, as well as meet its increased 2030 climate objectives, the transport sector has a major role to play, while it needs to drastically decrease its GHG emissions. Electrification – both direct and indirect through H2 production – will be key to decarbonize transport in a cost-effective and energy-efficient way, while reinforcing the European energy autonomy.
Following the European Commission’s presentation of its Strategy for sustainable and smart mobility, a key pilar of the European Green Deal, this event seeks to address:
The need for a comprehensive roadmap and robust policy framework to foster the decarbonisation of all transport segments: uptake of zero-emission vehicles, deployment of charging infrastructure (revision of AFID), strengthening of interoperability requirements adequate customer information requirements,
The development of electric mobility for passengers and light duty vehicles while ensuring an efficient integration of electric vehicles in the energy system, in line with the Strategy for Energy system Integration,
The use of decarbonised and renewable gases, such as hydrogen, to complement direct electrification, especially in hard-to-abate and long-distance transport segments such as aviation and shipping,