The following list contains publications produced by IUCN-CEM-FEG or to which FEG has contributed substantially.
Area-Based Management Tools and Marine Fisheries: A Comprehensive Review. By Garcia S.M., and Rice J.
Fisheries and the Targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework – Opportunities, Challenges, and Concerns. By Rice J., Garcia S.M., Charles A., and Kirkegaard E.
Area-based management tools and marine fisheries: History, Definitions, Roles, Typologies, Tensions, Synergies, Trade-offs and Effectiveness. By François Féral, Serge M. Garcia, Jake Rice, Jason Link, Merle Sowman, Anthony Charles, Carel J. Augustyn, Ernesto Penas Lado, Joji Morishita, Darius Campbell, Hugh Govan, Eskild Kirkegaard, Colin Attwood, Darius Campbell, and Claire Ward.
OECMs in marine capture fisheries: Key implementation issues of governance, management, and biodiversity. By Garcia SM, Rice J, Himes-Cornell A, Friedman KJ, Charles A, Diz D, Appiott J and Kaiser MJ
Commentary: Fishing Without a Trace? Assessing the Balanced Harvest Approach Using EcoTroph. By Shijie Zhou, Serge M. Garcia, Jeppe Kolding and Michael J. Plank
Area-based management of blue water fisheries: Current knowledge and research needs. By Ray Hilborn, Vera Agostini, Milani Chaloupka, et al.
OECMs in Marine Capture Fisheries: Systematic approach to identification, use and performance assessment in marine capture fisheries (Version 2). By Serge M. Garcia, Jake Rice, Anthony Charles and Daniela Diz.
Assessing Progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 6 on Sustainable Marine Fisheries. By Garcia, S.M. and Rice, J.
OECMs in marine capture fisheries: Systematic approach to identification, use and performance assessment in marine capture fisheries. By Serge M.Garcia, S.M.; Rice, J.; Charles, A. & Diz, D. 2020.
OECMs in Marine Capture Fisheries: Brief for policy-makers and managers.
Identification, assessment and governance of other effective area-based conservation measures in the marine fishery sector: A background document. By Serge M. Garcia, Jake Rice, Kim Friedman and Amber Himes-Cornell.
Balanced harvest: concept, policies, evidence, and management implications. By Shijie Zhou, Jeppe Kolding, Serge, M. Garcia et al.
Mainstreaming biodiversity in fisheries. By K. Friedman, S.M. Garcia, J. Rice (2018)
Translating the terrestrial mitigation hierarchy to marine megafauna by-catch. Milner-Gulland, E.J., Serge, M. Garcia, Arlidge, W. et al.
Rebuilding of marine fisheries. Part 1. Global review. By Serge M. Garcia, Yimin Ye and Anthony Charles.
Rebuilding of marine fisheries. Part 2: Case studies. By Serge M. Garcia, and Yimin Ye.
Economic efficiency and the biodiversity mitigation hierarchy with a focus on marine and fishery issues. By Dale Squires and Serge M. Garcia.
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OEABCMs) used in marine fisheries: a working paper. Background document for the CBD Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures in Coastal and Marine areas. 6-9 February 2018; Montreal, Canada). By Jake Rice, Serge M. Garcia and Michel Kaiser.
Fisheries bycatch reduction within the least-cost biodiversity mitigation hierarchy: Conservatory offsets with an application to sea turtles. By Dale Squires, Victor Restrepo, Serge M. Garcia and Peter Dutton.
Report of the sessions organized by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department and the IUCN Fisheries Expert Group at the Fourth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC4), La Serena, Chile, 5-8 September 2017
Marine Protected Areas: Interactions with Fishery Livelihoods and Food Security. By
Lena Westlund (FAO), Anthony Charles, Serge M. Garcia, and Jessica Sanders (Editors). Wiley Blackwell (2016).
Balanced Harvest and the ecosystem approach to fisheries. A special issue of the ICES Journal of Marine Science (2016)
- Special Issue accessible at:
- Balanced Harvest utopia, failure, or a functional strategy?
- Bridging fisheries management and biodiversity conservation norms: potential and challenges of balancing harvest in ecosystem-based frameworks.
- Balanced harvesting in fisheries: a preliminary analysis of management implications.
- Balanced harvesting in fisheries: economic considerations.
Marine Protected Areas: Interactions with Fishery Livelihoods and Food Security. By Lena Westlund, Anthony Charles, Serge M. Garcia, and Jessica Sanders (Eds).
Fishing livelihoods as key to marine protected areas: insights from the World Parks Congress, By Anthony Charles, Lena Westlund, Devin M. Bartley et al.
Aichi Target 6: Improving progress reporting and working towards implementation. Report of the FAO; SCBD; IUCN-CEM-FEG meeting of experts organized in collaboration with EBCD. Rome, Italy, 9-11 February 2016. Document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/20/INF/27.
Aichi Target 6: Improving progress reporting and working towards implementation. A background document. By Jake Rice and Serge M. Garcia.
Balanced Harvest in the real world — scientific, policy and operational issues in an ecosystem approach to fisheries. Report of an international scientific workshop organized by FEG and EBCD in cooperation with FAO, Rome, 29/09-02/10/2014. By Serge M. Garcia, Gabriella Bianchi, Anthony Charles, et al.
- 2015-Garcia_et_al 2nd_Balanced_Harvest_meeting_report-Final_.pdf
- 2015- 2nd Balanced_Harvest_meeting – Prospectus.pdf
Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation – Interaction and Evolution. By Serge M. Garcia, Jake Rice, and Anthony Charles (Editors). Wiley-Blackwell (2014)
Les aires marines protégées et la pêche : bioécologie, socioéconomie et gouvernance. Serge M. Garcia, Jean Boncœur et Didier Gascuel. Presses Universitaires de Perpignan. (2014)
- Sommaire
Multidisciplinary workshop addressing Ecosystem-Level Impacts of Fisheries Bycatch on Marine Megafauna. Report of an IUCN-CEM-FEG Scientific Workshop IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, 7-10 October 2013.
An Ecosystem Approach to Management of Seamounts in the Southern Indian Ocean. Volume 4 – A Road Map towards sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in the Southern Indian Ocean. By Serge M. Garcia, Harlan Cohen, David Freestone, Carole Martinez, Nilufer Oral, Alex Rogers, Philomène A. Verlaan and David Vousden. (2013)
Workshop of experts on the concept of Balanced Harvest in fisheries management. European Parliament, Brussels, 8 November 2012.
- Press release meeting in the European Parliament 8.11.12
- Report meeting in the European Parliament 8.11.12
Reconsidering the consequences of selective fisheries – A Science Policy Forum paper (2012). By Serge M. Garcia, Jeppe Kolding, Jake Rice et al.
- Garcia_et_al-2012-Reconsidering_consequences_of_selective_fisheries-_Suppl_online_material.pdf
- Garcia_et_al-2012-Reconsidering_the_consequences_of_selective_fisheries-Science.pdf
Selective fishing and balanced harvest in relation to fisheries and ecosystem sustainability: Report of a scientific workshop organized by the IUCN-CEM Fisheries Expert Group (FEG) and the European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD) in Nagoya (Japan), 14–16 October 2010 (published 2011)
État l’art du rôle des AMP dans la pêche. Rapport technique. By Serge Garcia, Jean Boncœur et Didier Gascuel (2011)
Selective fishing, balanced harvesting and sustainability of fisheries and Ecosystems. Presentation made at the ALDE Seminar on Marine Food Chain. Better management for new challenges: Brussels: 8 December 2010
FAO/UNEP/CBD Meeting on impacts of destructive fishing practices, unsustainable fishing and illegal unreported and unregulated fishing on marine biodiversity and habitats (2009)